Life Is Strange is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment, and published by Square Enix. The game's plot focuses on Maxine Caulfield, a photography student who discovers that she has the ability to rewind time at any moment, leading her every choice to enact the butterfly effect. The game will consist of five episodes. With seven weeks between each episode, it released its first on 30 January 2015. Life Is Strange is available for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360 via digital distribution.
In the game, story and character arc serve as the central point rather than traditional graphic adventure tropes like point-and-click puzzles. The player's actions will be able to adjust the narrative as it unfolds, and reshape it once allowed to travel back in time. Themes of memory and identity are used to convey a sense of nostalgia in the realm of adolescence, while the allegory of inner struggle comes from the mystical aspects featured.
Development began in April 2013. It was formed with an episodic format in mind for reasons both financial and creative. They conducted research on the setting by travelling to the Pacific Northwest, and subverted known archetypes in making the characters. At release, the game was acclaimed by critics, most of which praised the character development and game mechanic.
Life Is Strange received attention for its inclusion of female protagonists in the game. Before partnering with Square Enix, Dontnod Entertainment had encountered distrust in the project from publishers attempting to insert a male lead in their place.
In the game, story and character arc serve as the central point rather than traditional graphic adventure tropes like point-and-click puzzles. The player's actions will be able to adjust the narrative as it unfolds, and reshape it once allowed to travel back in time. Themes of memory and identity are used to convey a sense of nostalgia in the realm of adolescence, while the allegory of inner struggle comes from the mystical aspects featured.
Development began in April 2013. It was formed with an episodic format in mind for reasons both financial and creative. They conducted research on the setting by travelling to the Pacific Northwest, and subverted known archetypes in making the characters. At release, the game was acclaimed by critics, most of which praised the character development and game mechanic.
Life Is Strange received attention for its inclusion of female protagonists in the game. Before partnering with Square Enix, Dontnod Entertainment had encountered distrust in the project from publishers attempting to insert a male lead in their place.
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows Vista/ Windows 7
CPU: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
Hard Disk Space: 4 GB
Operating System: Windows Vista/ Windows 7
CPU: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
Hard Disk Space: 4 GB